Friday 2 February 2018

Term 2, Week 5 - Monday 5th February - Friday 9th February

  1. such
  2. luck
  3. home
  4. froze
  5. foal
  6. stone
  7. toast
  8. snowball
  9. fifteen
  10. sixteen
Thematic Words: friendship, games, bullying, calm, force, discussion director, passage predictor, function

  • Monday - Phonics and Grammar: (a) Underline the spelling you think is correct (b) Choose the correct word from the list to complete each sentence (c) Underline the verbs in red, write a adverb for each sentence and underline it in orange
  • Tuesday - Adverbs: Circle the adverbs and underline the verbs. Write your own sentence with a verb and an adverb - underline the verb and circle the adverb
  • Wednesday - Comprehension:  - Study the map Monkey Business at the Zoo and complete the questions based on it (page 3 is optional)
  • Thursday - Spelling: Write each of the spelling, circle the consonants in blue and the vowels in red
Reading -  Read the passages Hiccups (Monday) and Go Fish (Wednesday), re-tell in your own words and orally answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

  • Fractions - 
  • Tables Champion Page 17  3+, 4+
History: Carry out an interview with a parent or grandparent about games they used to play in the past. Please have completed by Friday :)

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